The 2023 Call for Abstracts is now closed. The 2024 Call for Abstracts will open later in 2023. Check the website and watch your inbox for details. 

Call for Abstracts Instructions

The Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine will again offer an interactive opportunity at this year's conference. We invite you to submit an abstract for the 28th Annual International Meeting in Schaumburg, Illinois, USA, November 9-12, 2022. the submission deadline has been extended to Tuesday, March 7. To provide a broad array of learning opportunities, we are planning our 28th Annual International Meeting to be a hybrid meeting, holding both a live and virtual component.

Who Should Submit?

Abstracts may be submitted by physicians, medical students, and those holding post-graduate degrees or students working to attain such degrees. Other medical professionals such as those with the credentials of RD, RN, IBCLC are also welcome to apply. Early submissions will be appreciated. Please email ABM with any questions. 

Please complete this brief form if you are not a member to create your free account. 

New this year. Abstracts submitted by non-physicians do NOT need to be sponsored by a member of ABM. 

What to Submit?

We encourage submissions of original research, medical education and community projects, or clinical experience related to breastfeeding. Abstracts that promote the use of commercial products will not be accepted.

Review Process

The Abstract Review Committee will evaluate abstracts based on content quality, educational value, and clearly identified objectives. The Committee will determine the final decision about the acceptance of abstracts for poster presentation at the conference. Acceptance and rejection of notifications will be sent in the spring. All accepted abstracts will be published in Breastfeeding Medicine, the official, peer-reviewed journal of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine. As this is a hybrid meeting, accepted abstracts will also be required to submit a PDF copy of your poster with a brief audio clip discussing your work.

Poster Abstract Guidelines

Poster abstracts should be limited to 300 words total and have the following structure: Background, Methods, Results, Conclusion. Objectives must be included as well, although they do not contribute to the word count. A select number of submitters whose abstracts scored high in the review process may be asked to give a 15-minute oral presentation on their abstract.  


Call for Workshops Instructions

The Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine will again offer an interactive opportunity at this year's conference. We invite you to submit a workshop proposal for the 28th Annual International Meeting in Schaumburg, Illinois, USA, November 9-12, 2022. If you would like to submit a proposal, submit by Tuesday, February 28. To provide a broad array of learning opportunities, we are planning our 28th Annual International Meeting to be a hybrid meeting, holding both a live and virtual component.

Workshop formats could include:

  • An interactive and novel approach to common challenges in the clinical practice of a focus on "hot button" or evolving issues that are newly recognized.
  • A hands-on opportunity to hone a specific clinical skill, with ample time set aside for practice, interactions, and discussion.

Workshops ideally could include case discussions, role plays and simulations, live demonstrations, and opportunities for practicing specific skills. Each workshop is 90 minutes long. Workshops will be selected to maximize participation, ensure a broad diversity of topics, and ensure proposals are of the highest quality and match the perceived needs and interests of participants. The most successful workshops are excellent presentations that also leave the audience with specific "deliverables" (for example, an annotated bibliography, a PowerPoint presentation, specific curricular tools, worksheets, and/or videos) that allow attendees to more easily replicate ideas, curricula, or enact change as presented.

Workshop attendance may have up to 80 participants.

Workshop proposals must be submitted online to the ABM office no later than Tuesday, February 28. The ABM Program Planning Committee and its subcommittees are responsible for reviewing all workshop proposals; the committee reserves the right to refuse any proposal without cause.

All workshops are 90 minutes. Please note:

  • ABM does not waive registration fees or reimburse expenses for workshop presenters.
  • ABM does not provide computers or internet access for workshop presenters.
  • Each workshop may have no more than a total of four presenters.
  • All handouts and visual aids are the responsibility of the presenters.
  • Any special equipment (such as audience response systems, SmartBoards, or simulators) brought in for educational purposes must be approved by ABM prior to its arrival onsite.
  • An LCD screen is available onsite; please specify if you will need it for your workshop.
  • Shipping of special equipment for workshops is the responsibility of the presenters.


Begin the Abstract Submission Process